Mycotoxin Binder

Agricultural crops are contaminated by 60–80% of mycotoxins, which are naturally produced by molds. Mycotoxins can form both pre- and post-harvest, as well as during storage. During harvest, processing, and storage, they remain highly stable. Multiple mycotoxins often co-contaminate feedstuffs or feeds, increasing the challenge. Natural contaminants can result in performance loss, damage to tissues and organs, disease, discomfort, and death, all of which could affect performance. Mycotoxin challenges can be identified through analysis. It is also possible to minimize the effects of mycotoxins on an animal by adding feed additives or supplements. One such additive, single-celled algae which has a cell of silica, Diatomite, has demonstrated a considerable ability to bind several mycotoxins in vitro​, ex vivo​ and in vivo​.



XPEL is a natural source of algae derived broad spectrum mycotoxin and and selective pesticides binder from Queensland Australia.

XPEL™ in Action

Natural source of Melosirata Fossilized Algae (MFA) specially used in binding multiple mycotoxins, ammonia and moisture content efficiently whilst not binding vitamins, minerals or other beneficial nutrients in the feed. The natural source of MFA harvested from clean freshwater, which is safe with no presence of dioxin and cristobalite

XPEL™ Modes of Action

Optimal Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) Unique cylindrical cone with high porosity Fine particle size Other benefits
Binding polarized mycotoxins Specialized binding non polarized mycotoxins Free flowing, excellent anti-caking agent Reduce scours, wet litters, and other gastrointestinal tract problems
Ammonia binding agent Not binding vitamins, minerals, and other medicaments Excellent feed pellet durability and resistance over wide range of conditions. Support proper growth and development of bone tissue and structure.
Good moisture absorbent Improve FCR in all animals’ species.


Naturally, broad-spectrum binder Other uniqueness Safe product
  • Binding Aflatoxin, Fumonisin, T-2, Ochratoxin, DON, ZEA
  • Ammonia, H2O
  • Pesticide Binding
  • Anti-caking
  • Anti-parasite
  • Heat stable
  • No dioxins
  • No cristobalite
  • No heavy metals

Proven Applications of XPEL™

With researched, proven components and authenticated by an independent body such as LAMIC in Brazil, the binding mechanisms for specific key mycotoxins from Algebra-Bio Mycotoxins Binding Solution is a trusted product approved by USA and EU for animal livestock use.

Algebra research studies found:
  • In Vitro - XPEL™ Would bind multiple mycotoxin ( >90% Aflatoxin & Ergotamine )
  • In Vitro trial by B. P. Shivashankar et al (2015) found using XPEL at 400-800ppm could significantly reduce mycotoxicosis in broilers, safe and specific mycotoxins adsorbent not binding vitamins and minerals, with other beneficial effect
  • Positive study and approval by LAMIC using XPEL in poultry (Aflatoxin B1) and swine (Fumonisin)

Net pesticides Binding efficiency:

Pesticides Net Binding Efficiency %
Organophosphorus 95.82%
Pyrethroids 100%

Recommendations in multiple species:

Species Standard Dosage Treatment Dosage Packaging Best Before
Poultry, Swine, Aqua 1 Kg per MT of feed 2 to 3 Kg 25Kg Paper bags with liner 24 Months
Ruminant 10 g / h / day 20 to 50 g / h / day

XPEL Spectra™

XPEL Spectra™ the natural way of broad spectrum mycotoxins and selective pesticides binder from Queensland Australia.

XPEL Spectra™ in Action

Natural source of Melosirata Fossilised Algae with premium yeast fraction and HSCAS specialized used in binding multiple mycotoxins, ammonia and moisture content efficiently whilst not binding vitamins, minerals or other beneficial nutrients in the feed. The premium source of yeast fraction offers immune enhancement and gut health for animals especially the breeders. The organic source of active components is safe with no presence of dioxin and cristobalite with LAMIC approval.


A balanced three way approach to overcoming the problems from mycotoxins:

  • Adsorption of specific mycotoxins by specific active ingredients
  • Immunity benefits to the animal to combat health impacts of mycotoxins
  • Gut health benefits

Formulated to manage the most challenging of mycotoxin threats in all species where problems are likely to be posed by the widest range of toxins in the feed materials.

Modes of Action:

Melosirata Fossilized Algae Clinoptilolite Yeast fraction Other benefits
Optimal cation exchange capacity binding polarized mycotoxins Optimal cation exchange capacity binding polarized mycotoxins Binding non polarized mycotoxin Reduce scours, wet litters, and other gastrointestinal tract problems
Ammonia & moisture absorbent Ammonia & moisture absorbent Modulating and supporting immune function Improve FCR in all animals’ species
Free flowing & excellent anti-caking agent Free flowing & excellent anti-caking agent Agglutinating harmful pathogen promoting gut health Improve farm profitability


Naturally, broad-spectrum binder Immune protection Gut Health Promotion
  • Binding Aflatoxin, Fumonisin, T-2, Ochratoxin, DON, ZEA
  • Ammonia, H2O absorbent
  • Anti-caking agent
  • Pesticide Binding
  • Immune modulation
  • Prolonged vaccination responds
  • Agglutinating harmful pathogens (E. Coli, Salmonella)
  • Gut health protection

Net pesticides Binding efficiency:

Pesticides Net Binding Efficiency %
Organophosphorus 95.82%
Pyrethroids 100%

Recommendations in multiple species:

Species Stage Per Mt of feed Packaging Best Before
Poultry Breeder, Broiler & Layer 0.5 to 2 Kg Supplied in high quality 25Kg paper bags with liner Stored in good conditions the product should be used within 24 months
Swine Breeder, Piglets, Grower Finishers 0.5 to 2 Kg
Aqua Fish & Shrimp 1 to 2 Kg
Ruminant 10 to 50 g per head per day

Recommended dose : 1 kg per MT of feed for breeder, layer & broiler.

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